13/12/2021 – Ver. 91 – Addition of HecoEFG, Heco Schrauben and SFS fasteners, addition of Friulsider anchors, possibility of choosing plywood and OSB boards in the vertical joints of the CLT segmented walls, possibility of choosing which elements to print in the various exports, updating of the national annexes of Austria, Germany and Latvia
In the latest version of the software we added these new features:
- Addition of HecoEFG, Heco Schrauben and SFS fasteners: a selection of fasteners manufactured by HecoEFG, Heco Schrauben e SFS is now available. The selection includes partial threaded screws, fully threaded screws, nails and screws for plates.
- Addition of Friulsider connection elements: Friulsider connection elements are now available. The selection includes hold down, wood-concrete and wood-wood traction plates, wood-concrete and wood-wood angle brackets.
- CLT segmented walls: it is now possible to choose plywood and OSB as the material of the boards of the connection between the panels.
- Export improvement: it is now possible to choose which elements to print in the DXF and IFC export, in the bill of quantities and in the exportation of the reactions in foundation.
- Update of NA Austria, NA Germany and NA Latvia: the load durations and the coefficients relating to the snow and wind load for the Austrian, German and Latvian national annexes have been updated.
- Bug fixing and small improvements.