14/03/2019 – Ver. 72 – BauBuche GL and Knauf Diamant X panels, new useful features in the envelopes section, improved management of selections in analysis, update of the software guide
In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:
- Inclusion of BauBuche GL: the BauBuche GL (glulam made of beech LVL) is now available and it can be used in beam, column and joist elements.
- Inclusion of Knauf Diamant X: the gypsum plasterboard for structural use Knauf Diamant X is now available and it can be used as sheathing panel in framed walls.
- Actions envelopes: in the analysis section, the envelopes of the action are now available (in addition to the already existing envelopes of the verifications).
- Deformations envelopes: in the analysis section, the envelopes of the inter-storey drift and those of the absolute displacements under horizontal actions are now available. Moreover, for the serviceability combinations, the envelopes of deflections under vertical actions and of the vibration parameters (for floors) are now available as well.
- Link from envelopes to the most demanding combination: a new link has been implemented that allows the user to inspect the details of the selected element according to the combination that maximizes the check/action/deformation required.
- Option to hide the name of the most demanding combination in the envelopes table: it is now possible to hide the name of the combination that maximizes the check/action/deformation in the envelopes table (below the window displaying the model) in order to reduce the displayed amount of data.
- Actions per unit length on walls in the summary tables: it is now possible to inspect the values of the actions per unit length on wall elements also in the summary tables below the window displaying the model.
- Improvement of the management of multiple selections in analysis section: the management of multiple selections in analysis section (in the window displaying the model and in the summary table below) has been improved and it is now possible to maintain the selection while moving from the analysis tab to the design ones.
- Update of the default value of the kcr factor for Italian standard: the default value of the kcr factor for the shear verification of timber elements has been updated according to the provision of the Circolare to the NTC 2018 (the factor was already available in the previous releases and now it has been set as the default option).
- Update of the CLT Essepi XXL stratigraphies: the most recent stratigraphies produced by Essepi for their CLT panels are now available.
- Update of the software guide: the software guide, that can be always open with the F1 button, has been updated to the most recently released features.
- Bug fixing and small improvements