In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:
- Added new Italian Standard Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni 2017. Looking forward to the upcoming publication of the new Italian Standard Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni 2017, it is now possible to adopt this document as the reference Standard for design process.
As a consequence, new features and modifications have been added to the software.
The main changes deal with the seismic section of the Code, the partial safety factors adopted in design, the values of kmod factor for instantaneous actions and the definition of kcr coefficient for shear resistance. - Added the command to adopt the same partial factor for structural and non-structural permanent actions when the latter is completely defined.
- Added the command to edit the values of the snow load on the ground and the wind reference velocity pressure in case of NTC 2008 and NTC 2017.
- Bug fixing and small improvements