22/09/2020 – Ver. 81 – New Borga Italia and Simpson Strong-Tie connections, automatic calculation of loads in San Marino, Pfeifer CLT panels added, updating of Stora Enso CLT panels, improvement of the vibration checks of the floors, addition of the national annexes of Romania and added the possibility to insert loads and frame thicknesses lower than in previous versions

In the latest version of the software we added new features:

  • We added the possibility to define the geographical position within the Republic of San Marino. If the user geolocates the building within the territory of the Republic of San Marino, the software automatically calculates the actions acting on the building: wind, snow and seismic action.
  • We added new connections to the archives: Borga Italia and Simpson Strong-Tie. Specifically, the new connections by Borga Italia and some new connections by Simpson Strong-Tie have been added.
  • We added Pfeifer CLT panels to software archives
  • We updated the CLT archives with the new Stora Enso data
  • Improvement of the vibration checks of the floors: we added the possibility to take into account the transverse bending stiffness of the floor also for the calculation of its fundamental frequency f1. In the previous version, the transverse load-carrying effect was considered only in the calculation of the effective width.
  • We added the Romanian standard. The National Annexes of Romania have been added
  • Changes to the input data – values of the acting loads: it is now possible to use values of loads lower than the default ones proposed by the Eurocodes to better adapt to local standards
  • Changes to the input data – width of framed wall elements: it is now possible to use studs and frame elements with a width of less than 40 mm to better adapt to customer needs
  • Bug fixing and small improvements


28/05/2020 – Ver. 79 – Fire protections added to the fire module and Egoin panels added to CLT archives

In the latest version of the software we added new features:

  • Fire protections: checks on the load-bearing function of structural members initially protected from exposure to fire can now be performed. Gypsum Plasterboard, Gypsum Plasterboard Type F, Gypsum Fibreboard and custom definitions can be used. In the first three cases, the software automatically calculates the time of start of charring tch, the failure time of protection tf (evaluated differently for vertical and horizontal elements), the time tand the insulation coefficient k2. In the case of custom definition, the designer can manually enter the parameters in order to manage protection solutions not listed in the standard or defining specifications of a particular manufacturer. For all protected structural elements, the rules proposed in EN 1995-1-2 are used with all the cases porposed by the standard for the calculation of the charring depth dchar,n, the calculation of k0 and k2 and the calculation of the effective charring depth deff.
    The joist floors and the framed walls with protections are calculated as assemblies with void cavities following the indications of Annex D of Eurocode EN 1995-1-2, which provides for different times of start of charring for the sides directly exposed to fire and for the sides facing the empty cavities.
  • CLT panels by the Spanish manufacturer Egoin added: it is now possible to check the CLT structures made with Egoin panels


12/02/2020 – Ver. 78 – LVL and Uso Fiume Trieste new materials, improvement of the databases translations and of the reactions in foundation export, spreadsheet for the interstorey drift sensitivity coefficient, new welcome page

In the latest version of the software we added new features:

  • Inclusion of LVL: both softwood and beech LVL are now available and they can be used as beams, columns, joist floors and solid wood floors. The databases include the products of the main European manufacturers: Metsa Wood (Kerto), Steico e Pollmeier (BauBuche e Fichte LVL).
  • Improvement of the reactions in foundation export: inclusion of two new fields in the “actions.csv” file providing the name and the length of the element in each node. Inclusion of three new layers in the “geometry.dxf” file displaying the nodes numbers, the walls lines and the names of the elements in each node.
  • Improvement of the databases translations: all the databases are now consistently translated and they support the transition of the software from Italian to English version and viceversa.
  • Inclusion of Uso Fiume and Uso Trieste timber: softwood and chestnut Uso Fiume timber and softwood Uso Trieste timber are now available and they can be used in beam, column and joist elements according to their ETA specifications.
  • Spreadsheet for the calculation of the interstorey drift sensitivity coefficient: the users can now download form their Personal area the spreadsheet for the calculation of the interstorey drift sensitivity coefficient for the assessment of the second-order effects.
  • New welcome page: the software shows an interactive welcome page that will host constantly updated contents such as papers, events, blog posts, software updates and tutorial videos.


13/11/2019 – Ver. 77 – Fire design add-on module, improvement in the management of extended and polygonal walls, improvement of the calculation report

In the latest version of the software we added new features:

  • Verification of the timber structural elements in fire conditions: it is now possible to perform the resistance checks in fire conditions of the unprotected structural timber elements.
    The development of an update to include fire protection layers in the analysis and verification process is already in progress.
    For further information on the fire design module please click here.
  • Improvement in the management of extended and polygonal walls: extended and polygonal walls can now support floor, roof and wall elements according to more complex configurations.
  • Improvement of the formatting of the calculation report.



25/09/2019 – Ver. 76 – Simpson Strong-Tie connections and Binderholz CLT update

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • Inclusion of Simpson Strong-Tie connections: a selection of Simpson Strong-Tie connections with all the relevant strength and stiffness parameters is now available in TimberTech Buildings. The selection includes hold-downs, timber-to-timber shear and tensile plates, timber-to-concrete shear plates and timber-to-timber and timber-to-concrete angle brackets with the appropriate fasteners and anchors.
  • Binderholz CLT update: two material are now available for Binderholz CLT: BBS 125 and BBS XL. The user can choose the appropriate material according to the panel type.
  • Bug fixing and small improvements


19/08/2019 – Ver. 75 – Automatic definition of the wind action according to the international version of Eurocode EN 1991-1-4, improvement of the calculation of the seismic mass and improvement of the stability of many features

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • Automatic definition of the wind action according to the international version of Eurocode EN 1991-1-4: in case the project uses Eurocodes as the reference standard, it is now possible to adopt the values of the wind actions on walls and roofs automatically calculated by the software according to the procedure provided in the international version of EN 1991-1-4. The software automatically proposes the values of the wind action components starting from the basic wind velocity on the site and applying all the relevant factors mentioned in the standard. Also, some of the pressure coefficients on walls can be automatically calculated according to the location of the wall and according to the building shape relative to the wind directions.
  • User-defined wind pressure and/or pressure coefficients: it is still possible to manually edit the automatically proposed wind actions for a specific load definition for both roofs and walls or, alternatively, it is possible to edit only the pressure coefficients cp while maintaining the automatic calculation of all the other parameters required for the definition of the wind action.
  • Improvement in the seismic mass calculation: improvement in the management of the translational seismic mass and of the rotational inertia of linear loads.
  • Bug fixing and small improvements


04/06/2019 – Ver. 74 – Improved graphical performance, automatic setting of dxf import scale, automatic definition of wind action according to Italian standard Circolare 2019 of NTC 2018 and improvement of the stability of many features

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • Improvement of the graphical performace: it is now possible to choose whether to display the floor calculation lines and the points in the 3D graphical interface in order to obtain a clearer view of the model and an increased graphic speed in the modelling and analysis phase. This feature is very useful in the management of complex models.
  • Automatic setting of the dxf import scale: the software is now able to automatically propose the correct import scale for a dxf drawing. The user can still edit manually the proposed import scale if needed.
  • Automatic definition of the wind action according to Circolare Esplicativa 21 January 2019 of NTC 2018: in case the project uses NTC as the reference standard, the automatic calculation of the wind action on walls and roofs has been updated according to the provisions of the new Circolare Esplicativa. The software automatically proposes the values of the reference velocity pressure, of the exposure coefficient and of the aerodynamic coefficients for the walls according to the geolocation of the building and according to its shape relative to the wind directions.
  • User-defined wind pressure and/or aerodynamic coefficients in case of NTC as reference standard: it is now possible to manually edit the automatically proposed wind pressure for a specific load definition for both roofs and walls or, alternatively, it is possible to edit only the aerodynamic coefficients cp while maintaining the automatic calculation of all the other parameters required for the definition of the wind action.
  • Improvement of the stability of some features such as the milestones, the milestones with analysis and the connection auto-design.
  • Inclusion of the Knauf Diamant X sp. 15 mm panel: also the gypsum plasterboard panel for structural use Knauf Diamant X with a thickness of 15 mm is now available and it can be used as sheathing panel in framed walls.
  • Bug fixing and small improvements



29/04/2019 – Ver. 73 – Bill of Quantities, improvement in speed of transition between different load combinations and other improvements in different functionalities

In the latest version of the software we added new features:

  • Automatic printing of the Bill of Quantities: additional module that can be purchased only by the users who have purchased a TimberTech Buildings license. The module allows you to export a document in Microsoft Excel format that contains the quantities of all the structural elements and the relative sub-components (connections, connectors, boards, CLT panels stratigraphy, product codes, etc.) for a quick cost estimate of the structures. The export format allows for easy customization. For more information on the Bill of Quantities module click here.
  • Improvement of results consultation speed: once the analysis is completed, the transition between the different load combinations and/or between the different load cases is now faster.
  • DXF import improvement: it is now possible to import dxf files with drawings placed very far from the origin. The software automatically recognizes the area of the drawing where the elements to be imported are present (concentrated in an area), discarding any isolated element that is very distant
  • Optimization of the calculation speed when automatically extended walls are present
  • Improvement of the selection of the elements using the table and of the link to the most severe check combination
  • Bug fixing and small improvements