14/03/2019 – Ver. 72 – BauBuche GL and Knauf Diamant X panels, new useful features in the envelopes section, improved management of selections in analysis, update of the software guide

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • Inclusion of BauBuche GL: the BauBuche GL (glulam made of beech LVL) is now available and it can be used in beam, column and joist elements.
  • Inclusion of Knauf Diamant X: the gypsum plasterboard for structural use Knauf Diamant X is now available and it can be used as sheathing panel in framed walls.
  • Actions envelopes: in the analysis section, the envelopes of the action are now available (in addition to the already existing envelopes of the verifications).
  • Deformations envelopes: in the analysis section, the envelopes of the inter-storey drift and those of the absolute displacements under horizontal actions are now available. Moreover, for the serviceability combinations, the envelopes of deflections under vertical actions and of the vibration parameters (for floors) are now available as well.
  • Link from envelopes to the most demanding combination: a new link has been implemented that allows the user to inspect the details of the selected element according to the combination that maximizes the check/action/deformation required.
  • Option to hide the name of the most demanding combination in the envelopes table: it is now possible to hide the name of the combination that maximizes the check/action/deformation in the envelopes table (below the window displaying the model) in order to reduce the displayed amount of data.
  • Actions per unit length on walls in the summary tables: it is now possible to inspect the values of the actions per unit length on wall elements also in the summary tables below the window displaying the model.
  • Improvement of the management of multiple selections in analysis section: the management of multiple selections in analysis section (in the window displaying the model and in the summary table below) has been improved and it is now possible to maintain the selection while moving from the analysis tab to the design ones.
  • Update of the default value of the kcr factor for Italian standard: the default value of the kcr factor for the shear verification of timber elements has been updated according to the provision of the Circolare to the NTC 2018 (the factor was already available in the previous releases and now it has been set as the default option).
  • Update of the CLT Essepi XXL stratigraphies: the most recent stratigraphies produced by Essepi for their CLT panels are now available.
  • Update of the software guide: the software guide, that can be always open with the F1 button, has been updated to the most recently released features.
  • Bug fixing and small improvements



14/01/2019 – Ver. 70-71 – Import .dxf optimisation options, Move and snap feature, improvement in the management of portable licences with the machine name identification

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • Optimization options for the import of .dxf drawings: it is now possible to enable the following options:
    • – Merge close points (2D/3D): it allows to merge the points (even belonging to lines) whose mutual distance is lower than the user-defined threshold;
    • – Snap to grid (2D): it allows to adapt the imported lines and points to a grid whose dimension is user-defined;
    • – Snap to existing points (2D): it allows to adapt the imported lines and points to the pre-existing elements of the model by taking as reference their nodes.
  • Move and snap feature: it is now possible to move points and lines and adapt them to the pre-existing elements in the model. This feature is useful when the user wants to import the drawings of the plans of each level of the structure and adapt them to the already modelled elements.
  • Identification of the machine name for the management of portable licences: it is now possible to assign a name to each machine that uses the software in order to know always which is the machine to which the licence is assigned. This is useful when the software indicates that the licence is already assigned to another machine since the user will also be notified of the name of that machine.
  • Bug fixing and small improvements

Note: the release licence button and the section for the assignment of the machine name has been moved to the “Settings…” section that can be reached from the Welcome page of the software.


27/09/2018 – Ver. 69 – Extend, Split and Copy properties functions, model autosaving and versioning, save analysis, new print options, improved database management, new definition of deformation limits, update of XLAM database

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • Extend and split functions: it is now possible to extend and split the structural elements in a simple and intuitive way. This allows you to model even more quickly those structures that show complex geometries.
  • Copy properties function: it is now possible to copy all the properties of an element and assign them to one or many elements of the same type.
  • Model autosaving: the software is now able to save automatically the model at regular intervals and it makes available a backup file.
  • Model versioning: it is now possible to save and manage several versions of the model within the same file.
  • Save analysis: it is now possible to save the results of the analysis in a milestone and display them without running the analysis each time.
  • Print options: it is now possible to choose for each element in the model whether it has to be printed in the report or not.
  • Improved database management
  • New definition of deformation limits
  • Update of XLAM database
  • Bug fixing and small improvements




02/08/2018 – Ver. 68 – DXF export improvement with printing of elevations and element properties, rotate and mirror functions, joist custom offset

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • Rotate and mirror functions: it is now possible to rotate and mirror the structural elements in a simple and intuitive way. This allows you to model and modify buildings that present particular symmetries even more quickly
  • Improvement and expansion of the drawings export function: it is now possible to print the elevations with the distribution of the connections and of the structural elements such as walls, pillars, beams and floors. The printing of the static lines and the properties of the structural elements (in plan and in elevation) has also been added in the form of tables and texts, including: names, materials and dimensions. Now the different types of elements that make up the drawings are placed on different layers to facilitate their modification or deactivation.
  • Joists position custom offset: it is now possible to define the exact position (custom offset) of the first joist in order to guarantee the perfect correspondence between the calculation model and the real distribution of the structural elements.
  • Improved visualization of the floor joists during the drawing phase: the joists and the calculation lines of the floors are now displayed during the drawing phase in order to facilitate the modeling operations
  • Bug fixing and small improvements




04/04/2018 – Ver. 67 – DXF export of floor and roof elements, possibility of defining walls with no tensile connections, NTC 2018 set as default reference Code

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • DXF export of floor and roof elements: it is now possible to export a DXF file that contains the geometrical characteristics of floors, roofs and all their components.
  • Added the possibility of defining walls with no tensile connections: it is now possible to manually define walls without tensile connections and to set the connection auto-design so that it removes those connections when not loaded.
  • NTC 2018 set as default reference Code: the new Italian Standard D.M. 17 January 2018 is now the default reference Code of the software
  • Bug fixing and small improvements


31/01/2018 – Ver. 66 – Connection auto-design, new feature to delete not used definitions

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • Connection auto-design. The software is now able to automatically calculate the number of tensile and shear connections needed in order to comply with all the relevant strength verifications. According to an iterative procedure, it automatically modifies the connection definitions and updates accordingly the stiffness parameters that lead the model. The user, once he has chosen the connection typologies, can rely on TimberTech Buildings for the assessment of the optimal spacing between the shear connections and the optimal number of tensile connections.
  • New feature to delete not used definitions. It is now possible to delete the definitions (structural elements and loads) that are no more used in the model through this new and simple feature.
  • Bug fixing and small improvements


09/01/2018 – Ver. 65 – Export of Reactions in Foundation, RoofRox Connections

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • Export reactions in foundation: the user can now export the actions at the base of the structure. According to each load and load combination, it will be possible to export the actions, in csv format, both as forces at the midpoint of each wall and as distributed forces along the length of the walls. This export, together with that of the geometry of the foundation, will be useful for designing the foundation with a dedicated software.
  • RoofRox connections added: the user can now select the connections from a larger database. The connections produced by RoofRox which have been added to the internal database are: hold-down, double hold-down, timber to concrete angle brackets, timber to timber angle brackets, punched metal plates and fasteners.
  • Bug fixing and small improvements


13/11/2017 – Ver. 64 – New Italian Standard Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni 2017

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • Added new Italian Standard Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni 2017. Looking forward to the upcoming publication of the new Italian Standard Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni 2017, it is now possible to adopt this document as the reference Standard for design process.
    As a consequence, new features and modifications have been added to the software.
    The main changes deal with the seismic section of the Code, the partial safety factors adopted in design, the values of kmod factor for instantaneous actions and the definition of kcr coefficient for shear resistance.
  • Added the command to adopt the same partial factor for structural and non-structural permanent actions when the latter is completely defined.
  • Added the command to edit the values of the snow load on the ground and the wind reference velocity pressure in case of NTC 2008 and NTC 2017.
  • Bug fixing and small improvements

03/10/2017 – Ver. 63 – Borga Italia Connections, new extended steel profiles databases, new databases filters and new feature for the management of the portable licenses

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • Borga Italia connections added: the user can now select the fasteners from a larger database. The connections produced by Borga Italia which were added to the internal database are: hold-down, double hold-down, timber to concrete angle brackets, timber to timber angle brackets and punched metal plates
  • Added new steel profiles to the archives. We have substantially increased the number of the steel profiles with their geometric properties pre-loaded in the software. In particular we added the following sections:
    • – Europen open sections: added the following profiles to the already present IPE, HEA, HEB and HEM: IPN, HL, HD, HP, HG, UPE, UPN, UE
    • – British open sections: UB, J, UC, UBP, PFC
    • – American open sections: W, S, HP, C, MC
    • – Hollow sections: Rectangular Hot-Finished (RHS HF), Square Hot-Finished (SHS HF), Circular Hot-Finished (CHS HF), Rectangular Cold Formed (RHS CF), Square Cold  Formed (SHS CF), Circular Cold Formed (CHS CF)
  • Added a new feature for the management of the portable licenses. You can now activate the automatic release of the portable license whenever you close the application. This feature is especially useful for the users who have installed TimberTech Buildings on multiple computers. Specifically, this allows the user not to forget the license associated with a computer when he/she has finished using the program. In this way he/she can then associate the same license with another machine even if he/she has not previously issued the manual release.
  • New connections databases filters added. Now you can find connections faster thanks to new filter types: checkbox filter and Search filter
  • Bug fixing and small improvements

13/09/2017 – Ver. 62 – Borga Italia fasteners, linear loads on floor and beams, improvements to archives management, wind calculation and validation speed

In the latest version of the software we have added the following new features:

  • Borga Italia fasteners added: the user can now select the fasteners from a larger database. The connections produced by Borga Italia which were added to the internal database are: smooth nails, threaded nails, nails for plates, staples, screws, fully threaded screws and screws for plates
  • Added command to draw load lines on the floors: the user can now apply linear loads to the floors by means of load lines
  • Added the command to define linear loads on beams: it is now possible to define and apply linear loads to beams and to modify the self-weight of the beams themselves
  • Further improvement in validation speed
  • Improvement of wind load calculation and values visualization
  • Bug fixing and small improvements